Gold Benefits

Unlimited Free Consultations
Get unlimited free consultations with all Doctors 24×7
Free For All Health Problems
Consult with any Doctor from 18 departments at any time
Free For Full Family
Free consultations for upto 6 family members
Video Consultations
Video Consults with all Doctors, 24×7

Consult with Doctors from top hospitals 24×7

Verified MD Doctors
Video Consultations

Consult in 18 + Specialities

Cold, Cough & Fever
General Physician
Skin Problems
Sexual Problems
Women Issues
Hair and Scalp Problems
Pregnancy Problems
Stress and Mental Health
Acidity, Gas, Stomach Issues
Orthopedics – Bones, Joints Issues
Child/Infant issues
Lab report analysis
Conceiving issues
Cardiac issues – Heart Relate issues
Diabetes consult
Cancer Advice
Breast feeding advice
Weight Management
I do not know

100,000+ Gold Users

User Satisfied

Frequently Asked Questions

MediBuddy Gold is a medical care membership for your family. It offers unlimited free doctor consultations online, over audio/video calls for 6 members of your family

Unlimited Free Consultations, Free For All Health Problems, Free For Full Family, Video Consultations

You will get Unlimited FREE Consultations with MediBuddy Gold However, The use of free consultations via our Gold plan shall be restricted on a daily, monthly, weekly and yearly basis. Capping of which is subjected to change. See our Gold Fair Usage Policy to know more.

MediBuddy Gold is free for 6 family members. Therefore, anyone in your family ( upto 6 members ) can get free consultations.

MediBuddy Gold is applicable for all 18+ departments / specialities.

Yes, you can cancel your membership anytime

MediBuddy guarantees 100% refund if you are not satisfied